Survey Analysis

We often want to survey people on their views or reactions to possible events (design or promotion, for example). There are many survey tools that are good in designing the survey, presenting it on various forms, such as web or mobile, distributing it and collecting the responses. However, when it comes to analyzing the responses, you are left with fewer options, and most of them are out-dated (SPSS, for example).

In this notebook, we will explore how to analyze survey’s responses, including statistical tests for reliability and research hypothesis.

We will start with loading the CSV files that we exported from the survey system (Qualtrics, in this example).

Open In Studio Lab

import warnings
import pandas as pd
survey_df = pd.read_csv('../data/survey_results.csv')

Survery Overview

We can explore the number of questions and answers with info
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 97 entries, 0 to 96
Data columns (total 65 columns):
 #   Column                 Non-Null Count  Dtype 
---  ------                 --------------  ----- 
 0   StartDate              97 non-null     object
 1   EndDate                97 non-null     object
 2   Status                 97 non-null     object
 3   IPAddress              97 non-null     object
 4   Progress               97 non-null     object
 5   Duration (in seconds)  97 non-null     object
 6   Finished               97 non-null     object
 7   RecordedDate           97 non-null     object
 8   ResponseId             97 non-null     object
 9   RecipientLastName      1 non-null      object
 10  RecipientFirstName     1 non-null      object
 11  RecipientEmail         1 non-null      object
 12  ExternalReference      1 non-null      object
 13  LocationLatitude       97 non-null     object
 14  LocationLongitude      97 non-null     object
 15  DistributionChannel    97 non-null     object
 16  UserLanguage           97 non-null     object
 17  Q_RecaptchaScore       95 non-null     object
 18  E1                     97 non-null     object
 19  A2                     97 non-null     object
 20  C3                     97 non-null     object
 21  N4                     97 non-null     object
 22  I5                     97 non-null     object
 23  E6R                    97 non-null     object
 24  A7R                    97 non-null     object
 25  C8R                    97 non-null     object
 26  N9R                    97 non-null     object
 27  I10R                   97 non-null     object
 28  E11                    97 non-null     object
 29  A12                    97 non-null     object
 30  C13                    97 non-null     object
 31  N14                    97 non-null     object
 32  I15R                   97 non-null     object
 33  E16R                   97 non-null     object
 34  A17R                   97 non-null     object
 35  C18R                   97 non-null     object
 36  N19R                   97 non-null     object
 37  I20R                   97 non-null     object
 38  Q71_First Click        50 non-null     object
 39  Q71_Last Click         50 non-null     object
 40  Q71_Page Submit        50 non-null     object
 41  Q71_Click Count        50 non-null     object
 42  Q73_First Click        48 non-null     object
 43  Q73_Last Click         48 non-null     object
 44  Q73_Page Submit        48 non-null     object
 45  Q73_Click Count        48 non-null     object
 46  Expectation1           97 non-null     object
 47  Expectation2           97 non-null     object
 48  Trust1                 97 non-null     object
 49  Trust2                 97 non-null     object
 50  Trust5                 97 non-null     object
 51  Trust6                 97 non-null     object
 52  Trust7                 97 non-null     object
 53  Trust8                 97 non-null     object
 54  Trust9                 97 non-null     object
 55  Expectation3           97 non-null     object
 56  Offering1              97 non-null     object
 57  Offering2              97 non-null     object
 58  Offering3              97 non-null     object
 59  Gender                 97 non-null     object
 60  Age                    97 non-null     object
 61  Education              97 non-null     object
 62  Region                 97 non-null     object
 63  Q53                    97 non-null     object
 64  Random ID              97 non-null     object
dtypes: object(65)
memory usage: 49.4+ KB

Cliping outliers

We want to remove outliers to avoid issues from people answering too quick or too slow. Let’s calculate the 0.05 and 0.95 percentiles of the data:

    .loc[1:,['Duration (in seconds)']]
    .quantile([0.05, 0.95])
Duration (in seconds)
0.05 87.25
0.95 1171.00

And now we can clip the data to be above 90 and below 1,100

valid_survey_df = (
    .assign(duration = lambda x : pd.to_numeric(x['Duration (in seconds)']))
    .query("duration > 90 and duration < 1100")
StartDate EndDate Status IPAddress Progress Duration (in seconds) Finished RecordedDate ResponseId RecipientLastName ... Offering1 Offering2 Offering3 Gender Age Education Region Q53 Random ID duration
1 2/19/2021 3:28:19 2/19/2021 3:30:28 IP Address 100 129 True 2/19/2021 3:30:29 R_2WUYft76PXR2zBS NaN ... 3 4 2 Female 40-50 Bachelor’s degree North America IM_6m0pkPqaVoiPxY1 58834 129
2 2/19/2021 3:28:16 2/19/2021 3:30:36 IP Address 100 140 True 2/19/2021 3:30:37 R_3eq8jucMfNqn5A4 NaN ... 5 5 3 Male 18-28 Bachelor’s degree Europe IM_6m0pkPqaVoiPxY1 21882 140
3 2/19/2021 3:29:12 2/19/2021 3:31:01 IP Address 100 108 True 2/19/2021 3:31:01 R_1jOnl4rE5r7qMcE NaN ... Very likely\n7 6 6 Male 29-39 Bachelor’s degree North America IM_6m0pkPqaVoiPxY1 59587 108
4 2/19/2021 3:29:18 2/19/2021 3:31:07 IP Address 100 109 True 2/19/2021 3:31:07 R_BxBBo8wdgckIP7j NaN ... 4 5 Very influential\n7 Male 29-39 Bachelor’s degree South America IM_6m0pkPqaVoiPxY1 52402 109
5 2/19/2021 3:29:06 2/19/2021 3:31:28 IP Address 100 142 True 2/19/2021 3:31:29 R_2ea55lhudZuzX2J NaN ... 5 5 4 Male 29-39 Master Degree Asia IM_6m0pkPqaVoiPxY1 64888 142
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
92 2/19/2021 4:01:13 2/19/2021 4:15:24 IP Address 100 850 True 2/19/2021 4:15:24 R_3HXHwga41cOCWJ3 NaN ... 6 5 Very influential\n7 Female 29-39 Bachelor’s degree Asia IM_6m0pkPqaVoiPxY1 23065 850
93 2/19/2021 4:05:50 2/19/2021 4:15:54 IP Address 100 604 True 2/19/2021 4:15:55 R_2sTpV27TMoq55Nj NaN ... 5 5 5 Female +62 Bachelor’s degree North America IM_6m0pkPqaVoiPxY1 56488 604
94 2/19/2021 4:14:37 2/19/2021 4:17:39 IP Address 100 181 True 2/19/2021 4:17:39 R_10IT3z1yGSWIddU NaN ... Very likely\n7 Very probable\n7 Very influential\n7 Female 29-39 Bachelor’s degree North America IM_6m0pkPqaVoiPxY1 10094 181
95 2/19/2021 4:10:47 2/19/2021 4:18:35 IP Address 100 467 True 2/19/2021 4:18:35 R_2q9815sUara9kKO NaN ... 6 Very probable\n7 Very influential\n7 Female 29-39 Master Degree Asia IM_6m0pkPqaVoiPxY1 88800 467
96 2/19/2021 4:20:30 2/19/2021 4:22:18 IP Address 100 108 True 2/19/2021 4:22:19 R_2VpU6ciTRw7Kdyf NaN ... 5 Very probable\n7 6 Male 29-39 Bachelor’s degree Asia IM_6m0pkPqaVoiPxY1 68054 108

83 rows × 66 columns

        title='Duration (in seconds) (between 0.05 and 0.95)'

Map of responders

Most of the survey tools are also reporting regarding the location of the responders with their location information. This survey also has this data in LocationLongitude and Locationlatitude columns. We can use the popular GeoPandas package to show them over the world map.

  • Create from GeoPandas

  • a geo-location data frame

  • based on the survey table above

  • Use the geometry information to draw points based on

  • \(x\) as location longitude, and

  • \(y\) as location latitude

%pip install geopandas --quiet
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import geopandas
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

gdf = (
  • Create a map of the world based on the built-in map from GeoPandas

  • Plot the background map with

  • while background and

  • black lines

  • and the locations of the responders in red

  • Set the title of the map to “Survey Reponders Locations”

world = (

).set_title("Survey Reponders Locations");

Personality Score

The first part of the survey was a personality score that we need to analyze to build the score of each responder. We can find the psychology test format in a previous reserach:

Mini-IPIP test questions

Based on: “The Mini-IPIP Scales: Tiny-Yet-Effective Measures of the Big Five Factors of Personality”

Appendix 20-Item Mini-IPIP






Am the life of the party.



Sympathize with others’ feelings



Get chores done right away.



Have frequent mood swings.



Have a vivid imagination.



Don’t talk a lot. (R)



Am not interested in other people’s problems. (R)



Often forget to put things back in their proper place. (R)



Am relaxed most of the time. (R)



Am not interested in abstract ideas. (R)



Talk to a lot of different people at parties.



Feel others’ emotions.



Like order.



Get upset easily.



Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas. (R)



Keep in the background. (R)



Am not really interested in others. (R)



Make a mess of things. (R)



Seldom feel blue. (R)



Do not have a good imagination. (R)

First, let’s get the questions that are written in the first line (index=0) of the table. We want the 20 questions from index 18 to index 38.

E1                              Am the life of the party.
A2                      Sympathize with others' feelings.
C3                            Get chores done right away.
N4                             Have frequent mood swings.
I5                              Have a vivid imagination.
E6R                                     Don't talk a lot.
A7R         Am not interested in other people's problems.
C8R     Often forget to put things back in their prope...
N9R                          Am relaxed most of the time.
I10R                 Am not interested in abstract ideas.
E11         Talk to a lot of different people at parties.
A12                                Feel others' emotions.
C13                                           Like order.
N14                                     Get upset easily.
I15R        Have difficulty understanding abstract ideas.
E16R                              Keep in the background.
A17R                  Am not really interested in others.
C18R                               Make a mess of things.
N19R                                    Seldom feel blue.
I20R                      Do not have a good imagination.
Name: 0, dtype: object

Let’s check how the results look like in the table:

0     Am the life of the party.
1          Strongly Disagree\n1
2          Strongly Disagree\n1
3             Somewhat agree\n4
4             Somewhat agree\n4
92            Somewhat agree\n4
93         Strongly Disagree\n1
94            Somewhat agree\n4
95         Strongly Disagree\n1
96            Strongly agree\n5
Name: E1, Length: 97, dtype: object

We see that we have five personality traits that we are measuring with these questions: E, A, C, N, I.

  • Create a variable for each personality trait above

  • Convert each question to its relevant trait by taking the numertic score at the last character of the question as an Integer, and add it to the relevant trait score. Note that some of the scores are reversed and you need to add the reversed score (6 - score, for a 1-5 score as we have here)

survey_ipip_df = (
    # Initial values to 0
    .assign(E = 0)
    .assign(A = 0)
    .assign(C = 0)
    .assign(N = 0)
    .assign(I = 0)
    # Update based on survy score
    .assign(E = lambda x : x.E + x.E1.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(A = lambda x : x.A + x.A2.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(C = lambda x : x.C + x.C3.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(N = lambda x : x.N + x.N4.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(I = lambda x : x.I + x.I5.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(E = lambda x : x.E + 6 - x.E6R.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(A = lambda x : x.A + 6 - x.A7R.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(C = lambda x : x.C + 6 - x.C8R.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(N = lambda x : x.N + 6 - x.N9R.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(I = lambda x : x.I + 6 - x.I10R.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(E = lambda x : x.E + x.E11.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(A = lambda x : x.A + x.A12.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(C = lambda x : x.C + x.C13.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(N = lambda x : x.N + x.N14.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(I = lambda x : x.I + 6 - x.I15R.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(E = lambda x : x.E + 6 - x.E16R.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(A = lambda x : x.A + 6 - x.A17R.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(C = lambda x : x.C + 6 - x.C18R.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(N = lambda x : x.N + 6 - x.N19R.str[-1:].astype(int))
    .assign(I = lambda x : x.I + 6 - x.I20R.str[-1:].astype(int))
    # Calculate the average
    .assign(E = lambda x : x.E / 4)
    .assign(A = lambda x : x.A / 4)
    .assign(C = lambda x : x.C / 4)
    .assign(N = lambda x : x.N / 4)
    .assign(I = lambda x : x.I / 4)

Personality Trait Visualization

We can show a quick histogram of one or two of the traits

).set_title("Openness to experience");

Random Groups

Many tests are using split to random groups to check the effect of a treatment on one of the group, while using the other group as a control group (or any other similar test method). In the survey, the group will be visible with answers on some of the questions, while other groups will answer different questions. In this survey, there were two groups that were assigned randomaly question 71 or question 73.

  • Create a new column in the table called group

  • create the first condition to have an answer (not null) in Q71 column

  • create the second condition to have an answer in Q73 column

  • assign the group value to be ‘Group A’ for the first condition

  • assign the group value to be ‘Group B’ for the second condition

  • assign a default value ‘Unknown’ if none of the condition is mapped

import numpy as np
survey_ipip_df['group'] =
        survey_ipip_df['Q71_Page Submit'].notnull(), 
        survey_ipip_df['Q73_Page Submit'].notnull(), 
        'Group A', 
        'Group B'

Research questions

The third part is the research questions part, where we want to test the impact of the treatment on the answers to these questions. From the list of columns in the table that we did in the beginning we see that these are starting with ‘Expectation1’, and ends with ‘Offering3’

survey_questions = (
Expectation1          The chatbot's messages met my expectations.
Expectation2    The chatbot's messages corresponded to how I e...
Trust1                  The bike chatbot seemed to care about me.
Trust2                        The bike chatbot made me feel good.
Trust5             I believe the bike chatbot was honest with me.
Trust6          I believe the bike chatbot didn’t make false c...
Trust7                 I believe the bike chatbot is trustworthy.
Trust8                                  I trust the bike chatbot.
Trust9              The bike chatbot seemed adequate to my needs.
Expectation3             The chatbot's messages were appropriate.
Offering1       What is the likelihood that you would accept t...
Offering2       How probable is it that you would accept the c...
Offering3       How influential do you perceive the chatbot’s ...
Name: 0, dtype: object
  • Convert all the values of these questions to numeric values based on the last characters ([-1:]) of the answer and set its type to be Interger

numeric_survey_ipip_df = (
    .apply(lambda x: 
        else x
    .apply(lambda x: 
        else x
    .apply(lambda x: 
        else x

Testing Reliability with Cronbach’s \(\alpha\)

A common test to check the reliability of the answers is to test them using Cronbach’s alpha test. We expect that all the questions that are related to Trust, for example, will have a high correlation, and therefore a cronbach-alpha score that is higher than 0.7.

First, let’s install a python library with cronbach-alpha function in it.

pip install pingouin --quiet
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import pingouin as pg

Now, let’s take the set of questions for each variable (Expectation, Trust, and Offering in this survey) and calculate their score:

(0.7635463917525775, array([0.659, 0.84 ]))
(0.7665523059220511, array([0.681, 0.836]))
(0.7863454562366294, array([0.692, 0.855]))

Calculate the research variables

Now that we see that the reliability of the question is good enough (>0.7), we can calculate the average score of each of these questions sets. We will use eval function to do it:

summary_numeric_survey_df = (
    .eval("Expectation = (Expectation1 + Expectation2 + Expectation3) / 3")
    .eval("Offering = (Offering1 + Offering2 + Offering3) / 3")
    .eval("Trust = (Trust1 + Trust2 + Trust5 + Trust6 + Trust7 + Trust8 + Trust9) / 7")
    .boxplot(by='group', figsize=(13,8))

We can plot the correlation of any of the personality traits (first part of the survey), with the score to any of the research questions (third part), within the two different grups (second part)

  • Create a grid of 3 by 2 to show the graphs of the research question * groups

  • For each one of the reserach questions and

  • for each of the groups

  • filter the table to include only the current group

  • Plot a regression plot (points, line and confidence area)

  • \(x\) as E (personality)

  • \(y\) as the research question

  • on the chart grid

  • Set the title of each graph the name of the group

import seaborn as sns
fig, ax = plt.subplots(3, 2, figsize=(10,8))

for idx, attribute in enumerate(['Expectation','Trust','Offering']):
    for i, group in enumerate(['Group A', 'Group B']):
        sub_df = (
            .query('group == @group')
        ax[idx,i].set_title(group, loc='left')


The last part of the analysis is the null hypothsis check that the groups are making a different impact on the relationship between the personality trait and the reserach questions.

import statsmodels.api as sm
from statsmodels.formula.api import ols
model = ols(
        f'Trust ~ C(group) * E', 
fig =, "E")
eval_env: 1
for attribute in ['Expectation','Trust','Offering']:
    model = ols(
        f'{attribute} ~ C(group) * E', 
    anova_table = sm.stats.anova_lm(model, typ=2)
    display(summary_numeric_survey_df.anova(dv=attribute, between=['group','E']).round(3))
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Expectation R-squared: 0.045
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.009
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 1.240
Date: Sun, 22 May 2022 Prob (F-statistic): 0.301
Time: 20:29:15 Log-Likelihood: -76.904
No. Observations: 83 AIC: 161.8
Df Residuals: 79 BIC: 171.5
Df Model: 3
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 3.5115 0.471 7.453 0.000 2.574 4.449
C(group)[T.Group B] 0.4466 0.619 0.721 0.473 -0.786 1.680
E 0.2620 0.155 1.695 0.094 -0.046 0.570
C(group)[T.Group B]:E -0.1816 0.202 -0.897 0.372 -0.584 0.221
Omnibus: 32.242 Durbin-Watson: 2.149
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 61.305
Skew: -1.480 Prob(JB): 4.87e-14
Kurtosis: 5.995 Cond. No. 41.4

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
sum_sq df F PR(>F)
C(group) 0.188292 1.0 0.479798 0.490545
E 0.960168 1.0 2.446659 0.121772
C(group):E 0.315844 1.0 0.804820 0.372382
Residual 31.002798 79.0 NaN NaN
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.13/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/base/ ValueWarning: covariance of constraints does not have full rank. The number of constraints is 14, but rank is 10
  'rank is %d' % (J, J_), ValueWarning)
Source SS DF MS F p-unc np2
0 group 2.738 1.0 2.738 10.734 0.002 0.154
1 E 2069.063 14.0 147.790 579.413 0.000 0.993
2 group * E 35.160 14.0 2.511 9.846 0.000 0.700
3 Residual 15.049 59.0 0.255 NaN NaN NaN
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Trust R-squared: 0.076
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.041
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 2.173
Date: Sun, 22 May 2022 Prob (F-statistic): 0.0978
Time: 20:29:15 Log-Likelihood: -61.619
No. Observations: 83 AIC: 131.2
Df Residuals: 79 BIC: 140.9
Df Model: 3
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 3.5102 0.392 8.956 0.000 2.730 4.290
C(group)[T.Group B] 0.0700 0.515 0.136 0.892 -0.956 1.096
E 0.2309 0.129 1.796 0.076 -0.025 0.487
C(group)[T.Group B]:E -0.0562 0.168 -0.334 0.739 -0.391 0.279
Omnibus: 34.337 Durbin-Watson: 1.722
Prob(Omnibus): 0.000 Jarque-Bera (JB): 75.187
Skew: -1.487 Prob(JB): 4.71e-17
Kurtosis: 6.591 Cond. No. 41.4

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
sum_sq df F PR(>F)
C(group) 0.198562 1.0 0.731283 0.395054
E 1.546282 1.0 5.694801 0.019408
C(group):E 0.030313 1.0 0.111641 0.739169
Residual 21.450497 79.0 NaN NaN
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.13/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/base/ ValueWarning: covariance of constraints does not have full rank. The number of constraints is 14, but rank is 10
  'rank is %d' % (J, J_), ValueWarning)
Source SS DF MS F p-unc np2
0 group 2.673 1.0 2.673 14.043 0.0 0.192
1 E 1980.174 14.0 141.441 743.184 0.0 0.994
2 group * E 26.872 14.0 1.919 10.085 0.0 0.705
3 Residual 11.229 59.0 0.190 NaN NaN NaN
OLS Regression Results
Dep. Variable: Offering R-squared: 0.111
Model: OLS Adj. R-squared: 0.077
Method: Least Squares F-statistic: 3.291
Date: Sun, 22 May 2022 Prob (F-statistic): 0.0249
Time: 20:29:15 Log-Likelihood: -114.53
No. Observations: 83 AIC: 237.1
Df Residuals: 79 BIC: 246.7
Df Model: 3
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err t P>|t| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 4.5893 0.741 6.190 0.000 3.114 6.065
C(group)[T.Group B] -0.6425 0.975 -0.659 0.512 -2.583 1.298
E 0.3777 0.243 1.553 0.124 -0.106 0.862
C(group)[T.Group B]:E 0.1288 0.318 0.404 0.687 -0.505 0.763
Omnibus: 14.535 Durbin-Watson: 1.891
Prob(Omnibus): 0.001 Jarque-Bera (JB): 16.718
Skew: -0.898 Prob(JB): 0.000234
Kurtosis: 4.267 Cond. No. 41.4

[1] Standard Errors assume that the covariance matrix of the errors is correctly specified.
sum_sq df F PR(>F)
C(group) 1.381213 1.0 1.421506 0.236725
E 8.083278 1.0 8.319086 0.005054
C(group):E 0.158976 1.0 0.163614 0.686944
Residual 76.760714 79.0 NaN NaN
/opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.13/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages/statsmodels/base/ ValueWarning: covariance of constraints does not have full rank. The number of constraints is 14, but rank is 10
  'rank is %d' % (J, J_), ValueWarning)
Source SS DF MS F p-unc np2
0 group 9.509 1.0 9.509 11.908 0.001 0.168
1 E 3593.710 14.0 256.694 321.460 0.000 0.987
2 group * E 62.507 14.0 4.465 5.591 0.000 0.570
3 Residual 47.113 59.0 0.799 NaN NaN NaN

Another way to calculate Anova One Way

import scipy.stats as stats

fvalue, pvalue = (
print(fvalue, pvalue)
147.41775587209213 1.3074590620296686e-24

Graphs of all questions

for q_num, q in survey_questions.iteritems():
    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 2)

    for i,group in enumerate(sorted(
        sub_df = (
            .query('group == @group')
        ax[i].set_title(group, loc='left')

    fig.suptitle(q, fontsize='small')
../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_0.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_1.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_2.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_3.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_4.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_5.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_6.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_7.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_8.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_9.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_10.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_11.png ../_images/08.04_Survey_analysis_53_12.png
from scipy.stats import spearmanr
for q_num, q in survey_questions.iteritems():
    stat, p = spearmanr(
            .query('group == "Group A"')
            .query('group == "Group B"')
    print('stat=%.3f, p=%.3f' % (stat, p),q)
stat=0.346, p=0.027 The chatbot's messages met my expectations.
stat=0.342, p=0.029 The chatbot's messages corresponded to how I expected it to communicate with me.
stat=0.197, p=0.216 The bike chatbot seemed to care about me.
stat=0.117, p=0.467 The bike chatbot made me feel good.
stat=0.036, p=0.823 I believe the bike chatbot was honest with me.
stat=0.068, p=0.675 I believe the bike chatbot didn’t make false claims.
stat=0.139, p=0.385 I believe the bike chatbot is trustworthy.
stat=0.119, p=0.459 I trust the bike chatbot.
stat=0.292, p=0.064 The bike chatbot seemed adequate to my needs.
stat=0.008, p=0.963 The chatbot's messages were appropriate.
stat=0.029, p=0.855 What is the likelihood that you would accept the chatbot’s offer to help find a bike?
stat=0.029, p=0.856 How probable is it that you would accept the chatbot’s offer to help find a bike?
stat=0.126, p=0.434 How influential do you perceive the chatbot’s offer to help you find a bike?

SPSS Files

Pandas can also load SPSS files

#pip install pyreadstat
#spss_df = pd.read_spss()