Currency Rate Analysis

Money often costs too much. –Ralph Waldo Emerson

A very used expression in our life, and if utilized just right, also very useful.

In this notebook, we query a REST API to get the latest currency rates for many currencies. Using dynamic API compared to loading static files allows for updated data to be processed.

Open In Studio Lab

We will start with removing code warnings to make it easier to read the notebook.

import warnings

Loading data using API

First of all, let’s get our data.

In order to do so, let’s start with installing all the needed libraries and get the right imports.

%pip install forex-python --quiet
Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

from forex_python.converter import CurrencyRates
from datetime import datetime

Let’s get the data

In that case, the function here is given by the provider of this API, and for more methods, you can go to forext-python usage page

usd_rates = (
{'EUR': 0.9454476694714947,
 'JPY': 127.95688758627209,
 'BGN': 1.8491065519523493,
 'CZK': 23.324194005861774,
 'DKK': 7.036399735274652,
 'GBP': 0.8019287132457218,
 'HUF': 362.0402760707195,
 'PLN': 4.383568119504585,
 'RON': 4.6777914342441145,
 'SEK': 9.919164224260186,
 'CHF': 0.9719202042166966,
 'ISK': 130.94450222180203,
 'NOK': 9.702183984116479,
 'HRK': 7.122530017963506,
 'TRY': 15.902524345277488,
 'AUD': 1.416280608868299,
 'BRL': 4.915287888815354,
 'CAD': 1.2788125177271437,
 'CNY': 6.678453247612744,
 'HKD': 7.847121111846458,
 'IDR': 14656.320317670416,
 'INR': 77.6795877848161,
 'KRW': 1267.4482367400963,
 'MXN': 19.884088115722793,
 'MYR': 4.388957171220572,
 'NZD': 1.5616904604330148,
 'PHP': 52.17074784910655,
 'SGD': 1.3792190602250165,
 'THB': 34.30462323910371,
 'ZAR': 15.801361444644039}

Let’s turn it into something more readable and easier to manipulate, by converting its type from Dictionary to DataFrame, and give its columns proper informative names.

usd_rates_df = (
    .from_dict(usd_rates, orient='index')
    .rename(columns={0 : 'Rate'})
EUR 0.945448
JPY 127.956888
BGN 1.849107
CZK 23.324194
DKK 7.036400
GBP 0.801929
HUF 362.040276
PLN 4.383568
RON 4.677791
SEK 9.919164
CHF 0.971920
ISK 130.944502
NOK 9.702184
HRK 7.122530
TRY 15.902524
AUD 1.416281
BRL 4.915288
CAD 1.278813
CNY 6.678453
HKD 7.847121
IDR 14656.320318
INR 77.679588
KRW 1267.448237
MXN 19.884088
MYR 4.388957
NZD 1.561690
PHP 52.170748
SGD 1.379219
THB 34.304623
ZAR 15.801361

This looks like a useful table to have if you work with multiple currencies in your organization

Getting rates for a specific date

We will use the date functionality from the API provider.

  • Call the currency API

  • Request exchange rates

  • for USD

  • for 2020-05-23

usd_rate_on_date = (
        datetime(2020, 5, 23)
{'EUR': 0.917094644167278,
 'USD': 1,
 'JPY': 107.53851797505503,
 'BGN': 1.7936537050623624,
 'CZK': 24.954145267791635,
 'DKK': 6.839508437270726,
 'GBP': 0.8213774761555392,
 'HUF': 320.43286867204694,
 'PLN': 4.146093176815848,
 'RON': 4.44194790902421,
 'SEK': 9.663701393983859,
 'CHF': 0.9712949376375641,
 'ISK': 143.34189288334557,
 'NOK': 10.003484959647835,
 'HRK': 6.95570432868672,
 'RUB': 71.45442039618489,
 'TRY': 6.807318415260455,
 'AUD': 1.530997798972854,
 'BRL': 5.581162876008804,
 'CAD': 1.400678650036684,
 'CNY': 7.134721203228173,
 'HKD': 7.7559611151870875,
 'IDR': 14901.999266324283,
 'ILS': 3.5270542920029344,
 'INR': 75.86803008070433,
 'KRW': 1241.2967718268526,
 'MXN': 22.96863536316948,
 'MYR': 4.362527512839325,
 'NZD': 1.6388481291269257,
 'PHP': 50.76027146001467,
 'SGD': 1.4234225972120322,
 'THB': 31.894717534849594,
 'ZAR': 17.6518708730741}

Now, try to use the functions showed prior in order to convert it into a dataframe.

# Enter your code here

And in case you wondered how to do so.

usd_rate_on_date = (
    .from_dict(usd_rate_on_date, orient='index')
    .rename(columns={0 : 'Rate'})
EUR 0.917095
USD 1.000000
JPY 107.538518
BGN 1.793654
CZK 24.954145
DKK 6.839508
GBP 0.821377
HUF 320.432869
PLN 4.146093
RON 4.441948
SEK 9.663701
CHF 0.971295
ISK 143.341893
NOK 10.003485
HRK 6.955704
RUB 71.454420
TRY 6.807318
AUD 1.530998
BRL 5.581163
CAD 1.400679
CNY 7.134721
HKD 7.755961
IDR 14901.999266
ILS 3.527054
INR 75.868030
KRW 1241.296772
MXN 22.968635
MYR 4.362528
NZD 1.638848
PHP 50.760271
SGD 1.423423
THB 31.894718
ZAR 17.651871

Putting it all together

  • Create a Dataframe

  • From dictionary

  • Taken from the currency rate API

  • for USD

  • based on string date of 2020-05-23

  • as a single column

  • rename the column to Rate

usd_rate_on_date = (
                datetime.strptime('2020-05-23', '%Y-%m-%d')
    .rename(columns={0 : 'Rate'})
EUR 0.917095
USD 1.000000
JPY 107.538518
BGN 1.793654
CZK 24.954145
DKK 6.839508
GBP 0.821377
HUF 320.432869
PLN 4.146093
RON 4.441948
SEK 9.663701
CHF 0.971295
ISK 143.341893
NOK 10.003485
HRK 6.955704
RUB 71.454420
TRY 6.807318
AUD 1.530998
BRL 5.581163
CAD 1.400679
CNY 7.134721
HKD 7.755961
IDR 14901.999266
ILS 3.527054
INR 75.868030
KRW 1241.296772
MXN 22.968635
MYR 4.362528
NZD 1.638848
PHP 50.760271
SGD 1.423423
THB 31.894718
ZAR 17.651871

Deal conversion

Now, let’s create a calculator that get’s the amount of money we got/payed and in which currency

  • Call the API

  • For conversion rate

  • from USD

  • to EUR

  • of $100

  • on 2020-05-23

            datetime.strptime('2020-05-23', '%Y-%m-%d')

Now this data is useful while trying to calculate all sort of financial related data.

Additional rates sources

And for cases when the wanted currency is not available through the API, there is always the option of scrapping it.

Here is example of scrapping ILS rate to USD from one of the popular financial websites in Israel.

  • Create dataframes from HTML tables in the newspaper currency website

  • Take the first table (index 0)

  • Take the value in cell 1,1


In this example we have scrapped the currency rate from a non-API based website for our use.
As for this example, this technique is relevent for many optional analysis.

Analysis Use-case

Now, use case to show how useful descion based data regarding currency could be.

In order to show that, we will scrap a dataframe of the rates of the ILS-USD for the last almost full year.

  • Read the table from the website

  • Rename the column to be more meaningful

  • Filter out table lines that are invalid (the Rate column has more than 20 characters)

  • Remove all the characters from the Rate column that are not a digit (\d) or dot (.) using regular expression syntax

  • convert it to a float type

df = (
    .rename(columns = {0 : 'Date', 1: 'Day', 2 : 'Rate', 3 : 'Notes'})
#     .query('Rate.str.len() < 20')
    .assign(Rate = lambda x : x.Rate.str.replace('[^\d\.]','',regex=True)
Date Day Rate Notes
0 5/20/2022 Friday 3.36283 USD ILS rate for 5/20/2022
1 5/19/2022 Thursday 3.38042 USD ILS rate for 5/19/2022
2 5/18/2022 Wednesday 3.37941 USD ILS rate for 5/18/2022
3 5/17/2022 Tuesday 3.34471 USD ILS rate for 5/17/2022
4 5/16/2022 Monday 3.37882 USD ILS rate for 5/16/2022
... ... ... ... ...
125 11/26/2021 Friday 3.18176 USD ILS rate for 11/26/2021
126 11/25/2021 Thursday 3.16222 USD ILS rate for 11/25/2021
127 11/24/2021 Wednesday 3.14962 USD ILS rate for 11/24/2021
128 11/23/2021 Tuesday 3.13881 USD ILS rate for 11/23/2021
129 11/22/2021 Monday 3.09072 USD ILS rate for 11/22/2021

130 rows × 4 columns

Now let’s check in which day of the week, does the rate of the ILS is “stronger”, in accordance to the USD.
This data could be useful in order to maximize the rate when doing currency conversions on a regular basis.

Now let’s try to check for the days with the highest average rate of the ILS in comparing to the USD.

In order to do so, we will aggregate with Group-by, all of the values by the Day of the week, and check for the average (mean) value for each day.

Beside that, let’s also orgnaize our data by some order, in order case descending.

Friday       3.219182
Thursday     3.218715
Monday       3.213923
Tuesday      3.211181
Wednesday    3.209393
Name: Rate, dtype: float64

And the result is? Well, Sunday.

Our guess is that its related to the fact that Sunday is weekend in the US and therefore, trade volumes are lower.

This, we assess, reduces the affect of the general trend.

Another test, would be to do the same, but with the median value for each week day.

Tuesday      3.212945
Friday       3.211785
Monday       3.211590
Thursday     3.209310
Wednesday    3.196990
Name: Rate, dtype: float64

Analysis output

Bottom line, if you are converting ILS to USD, try doing it on Sunday. You will probably get the better rate. On the other hand, if you are trading USD to ILS, just don’t do it on Sunday.

One more note, did you notice how we used and scrapped many types of websites, side by our API.

The reason? None of them was sufficient so we had to dig deeper. and thats OK.

So, one last tip from us to you, don’t be afraid of looking for your data source.

Data Visualization

Line Chart

Now, let’s try to better see and and possibly explorate, the results we just recieved.

First, few actions needs to be done in prior.

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
usd_to_ils_rates = (
    .rename(columns = {0 : 'Date', 1: 'Day', 2 : 'Rate', 3 : 'Notes'})
#     .query('Rate.str.len() < 20')
    .assign(Rate = lambda x : x.Rate.str.replace('[^\d\.]','',regex=True).astype(float))
    .assign(Date = lambda x : pd.to_datetime(x.Date))
Day Rate Notes
2022-05-20 Friday 3.36283 USD ILS rate for 5/20/2022
2022-05-19 Thursday 3.38042 USD ILS rate for 5/19/2022
2022-05-18 Wednesday 3.37941 USD ILS rate for 5/18/2022
2022-05-17 Tuesday 3.34471 USD ILS rate for 5/17/2022
2022-05-16 Monday 3.37882 USD ILS rate for 5/16/2022
... ... ... ...
2021-11-26 Friday 3.18176 USD ILS rate for 11/26/2021
2021-11-25 Thursday 3.16222 USD ILS rate for 11/25/2021
2021-11-24 Wednesday 3.14962 USD ILS rate for 11/24/2021
2021-11-23 Tuesday 3.13881 USD ILS rate for 11/23/2021
2021-11-22 Monday 3.09072 USD ILS rate for 11/22/2021

130 rows × 3 columns

    .plot(title='Exchange Rates: USD-ILS')

Scatter Plot

Now let’s try something else, to demonstrate the differences between the days.

        title='Exchange Rates: USD-ILS across the week days'

Something here looks odd. it appears there are less trading ‘Sundays’, which could be the reason for our former result.
Let’s check it.

Friday       26
Monday       26
Thursday     26
Tuesday      26
Wednesday    26
Name: Rate, dtype: int64

Yep, totally true. therefore, let’s check for the all the other days excluding Sunday.
Filtering the Dataframe to exclude Sundays.

    .query('Day != "Sunday"')
        title='Exchange Rates: USD-ILS across the working days'

And based on the most lower points, we can now see that the lowest days occurs in the mid-of-the-week days.

Analyze Across Weeks using Groupby

Another cool way to possible be able to better identifiy the aforementioned trend, check the max & min weekly rate, and on which day did it happen.

First, let’s set up our data in a way that will allow us to analyze it.

And by a grouped table, which will show the day of each week which the highest, and later the lowest rate occured on.

     .assign(Week = usd_to_ils_rates.index.week)
     ['Day', 'Rate']
     .background_gradient(cmap='summer', subset=['Rate'])
  Day Rate
1 Wednesday 3.115250
2 Wednesday 3.136660
3 Wednesday 3.140750
4 Wednesday 3.207520
5 Wednesday 3.206050
6 Wednesday 3.251370
7 Wednesday 3.262140
8 Wednesday 3.253240
9 Wednesday 3.276830
10 Wednesday 3.295400
11 Wednesday 3.291900
12 Wednesday 3.230900
13 Wednesday 3.216810
14 Wednesday 3.245360
15 Wednesday 3.218350
16 Wednesday 3.251140
17 Wednesday 3.343850
18 Wednesday 3.417140
19 Wednesday 3.464200
20 Wednesday 3.380420
47 Wednesday 3.181760
48 Wednesday 3.171570
49 Wednesday 3.163360
50 Wednesday 3.143060
51 Wednesday 3.172170
52 Wednesday 3.123020
     .assign(Week = usd_to_ils_rates.index.week)
     ['Day', 'Rate']
     .background_gradient(cmap='summer', subset=['Rate'])
  Day Rate
1 Friday 3.094070
2 Friday 3.101660
3 Friday 3.108650
4 Friday 3.174190
5 Friday 3.163880
6 Friday 3.193020
7 Friday 3.187010
8 Friday 3.223520
9 Friday 3.208720
10 Friday 3.250110
11 Friday 3.238470
12 Friday 3.212440
13 Friday 3.182330
14 Friday 3.213450
15 Friday 3.205370
16 Friday 3.221920
17 Friday 3.292740
18 Friday 3.358250
19 Friday 3.401920
20 Friday 3.344710
47 Friday 3.090720
48 Friday 3.130300
49 Friday 3.094200
50 Friday 3.090750
51 Friday 3.147230
52 Friday 3.099640

Analysis conclusion

And here is the answer for our question - which days are the best day to conduct a currency conversion between USD and ILS to maximize your profits: Wednsday for USD to ILS and Friday to ILS to USD