Reading Data from External API

Often you want to add external data to your analysis. External data can be retrieved from API (Application Programable Interface) that is provided by various services such as CRM (Customer Relationship Management) systems. You can import HTML directly into Excel using “Import”.

In this notebook, we will learn how to use pandas from_dict to load data from these external API

Open In Studio Lab

Loading API data

We will load a few tables from simple API as well as complex ones

import warnings
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

Loading from simple API

If you have a simple API with no authentication, you can pass the URL of the requests library that we used in our previous toturial for loading HTML

For this excercise we will use the API of the Wikipedia page views. We will use it to test the idea that people who are thinking to buy stocks, are going to the wikipedia page of that stock, and therefore, if we see an increase in the views of a page, we will see an increase in the price of that share.

We will check the format of the API call from the technical page. We see the we need to plug the name of stock ticker, and we will use the f-string syntax that is replacing the {page} (or any other variable in curly brackets) with the value of the variable (for example, AMZN).

page = 'AMZN'

header = {
  "User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (X11; Linux x86_64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/50.0.2661.75 Safari/537.36",
  "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest"

page_views_api_url = f'{page}/daily/2020030100/2020033000'

import requests
response = requests.get(page_views_api_url, headers=header)
<Response [200]>

We can use two methods to extract the data that we want from the JSON format. The first is using json_normalize and the second is using from_dict

df = (
project article granularity timestamp access agent views
0 en.wikipedia AMZN daily 2020030100 all-access all-agents 2
1 en.wikipedia AMZN daily 2020030200 all-access all-agents 6
2 en.wikipedia AMZN daily 2020030300 all-access all-agents 16
3 en.wikipedia AMZN daily 2020030400 all-access all-agents 1
4 en.wikipedia AMZN daily 2020030500 all-access all-agents 1
page_view_data = (
    .get(page_views_api_url, headers=header)
page_views_table = (
project article granularity timestamp access agent views
0 en.wikipedia AMZN daily 2020030100 all-access all-agents 2
1 en.wikipedia AMZN daily 2020030200 all-access all-agents 6
2 en.wikipedia AMZN daily 2020030300 all-access all-agents 16
3 en.wikipedia AMZN daily 2020030400 all-access all-agents 1
4 en.wikipedia AMZN daily 2020030500 all-access all-agents 1

Simple Data Visualization

  • Start with the page view table from the previous API call

  • Convert the timestamp column to date time format using the %Y%m%d%H format

  • Extract the day of the month from the above timestamp

  • Plot the results

  • as bar chart with the day of the month as x and the number of views as y

  • and title the graph as ‘Page views for …’ with the name of the page

    .assign(timestamp = lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x.timestamp, format='%Y%m%d%H', errors='coerce'))
    .assign(day = lambda x:
        x='day', y='views',
        title=f'Page views for {page}'

Loading the page views of all NASDAQ 100

We saw in the previous section how to load the values of a table from Wikipeia (or other HTML pages). Let’s use it now to load all the NASDAQ 100 index companies to compare their page views.

%pip install lxml
Requirement already satisfied: lxml in /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.13/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages (4.8.0)
WARNING: There was an error checking the latest version of pip.

Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
nasdaq_100_wikipedia_entry = ''
nasdaq_100_tickers = (
Company Ticker GICS Sector GICS Sub-Industry
0 Activision Blizzard ATVI Communication Services Interactive Home Entertainment
1 Adobe ADBE Information Technology Application Software
2 ADP ADP Information Technology Data Processing & Outsourced Services
3 Airbnb ABNB Consumer Discretionary Internet & Direct Marketing Retail
4 Align ALGN Health Care Health Care Supplies
... ... ... ... ...
97 Walgreens Boots Alliance WBA Consumer Staples Drug Retail
98 Workday WDAY Information Technology Application Software
99 Xcel Energy XEL Utilities Multi-Utilities
100 Zoom ZM Information Technology Application Software
101 Zscaler ZS Information Technology Application Software

102 rows × 4 columns

Now we want to get all the views of each company on our list. We will define a simple function that will get the name of the company and return the views of this company’s page.

  • Generate the URL of the wikipedia page view using the name of the company

  • Load the API response from above URL

  • Parse the JSON format of the response using the key ‘items’

  • Return the newly create dataframe or an empty data frame if failed

def get_views(company):
    company_page_url = f'{company.iat[0,0]}/daily/2020090100/2020093000'
    response = requests.get(company_page_url, headers=header)
        df = (
        df = pd.DataFrame()
    return df

Now we can apply the function above on each of the row from the nasdaq 100 tickets list:

  • Start with the first table from the nasdaq 100 list above

  • Group the ticker by the company name (in case we have multiple ticker to a company)

  • Apply the get view function on each of the company names and concat all the data frames together

nasdaq_100_views = (
project article granularity timestamp access agent views
Activision Blizzard 0 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090100 all-access all-agents 1437
1 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090200 all-access all-agents 1715
2 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090300 all-access all-agents 1989
3 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090400 all-access all-agents 1628
4 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090500 all-access all-agents 1260
5 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090600 all-access all-agents 1253
6 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090700 all-access all-agents 1218
7 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090800 all-access all-agents 1331
8 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090900 all-access all-agents 1537
9 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091000 all-access all-agents 1431
10 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091100 all-access all-agents 1352
11 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091200 all-access all-agents 1042
12 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091300 all-access all-agents 1066
13 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091400 all-access all-agents 1327
14 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091500 all-access all-agents 1346
15 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091600 all-access all-agents 1267
16 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091700 all-access all-agents 1289
17 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091800 all-access all-agents 1241
18 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091900 all-access all-agents 1117
19 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092000 all-access all-agents 1137
20 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092100 all-access all-agents 4108
21 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092200 all-access all-agents 3319
22 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092300 all-access all-agents 2992
23 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092400 all-access all-agents 2312
24 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092500 all-access all-agents 1806
25 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092600 all-access all-agents 1557
26 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092700 all-access all-agents 1549
27 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092800 all-access all-agents 1564
28 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092900 all-access all-agents 1585
29 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020093000 all-access all-agents 1703
Adobe 0 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020090100 all-access all-agents 2003
1 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020090200 all-access all-agents 886
2 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020090300 all-access all-agents 844
3 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020090400 all-access all-agents 874
4 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020090500 all-access all-agents 708
5 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020090600 all-access all-agents 663
6 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020090700 all-access all-agents 795
7 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020090800 all-access all-agents 827
8 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020090900 all-access all-agents 754
9 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020091000 all-access all-agents 1080
10 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020091100 all-access all-agents 697
11 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020091200 all-access all-agents 679
12 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020091300 all-access all-agents 755
13 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020091400 all-access all-agents 806
14 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020091500 all-access all-agents 719
15 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020091600 all-access all-agents 850
16 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020091700 all-access all-agents 778
17 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020091800 all-access all-agents 779
18 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020091900 all-access all-agents 642
19 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020092000 all-access all-agents 863
20 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020092100 all-access all-agents 843
21 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020092200 all-access all-agents 775
22 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020092300 all-access all-agents 750
23 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020092400 all-access all-agents 784
24 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020092500 all-access all-agents 659
25 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020092600 all-access all-agents 717
26 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020092700 all-access all-agents 634
27 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020092800 all-access all-agents 740
28 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020092900 all-access all-agents 993
29 en.wikipedia Adobe daily 2020093000 all-access all-agents 832

We see that we have more than 2000 rows in the concatenated dataframe where each line is a view of a company in a specific day in the range of September 2020.

Let’s look on one of the companies (for example, Lululemon Atheletica)

nasdaq_100_views.loc['Activision Blizzard']
project article granularity timestamp access agent views
0 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090100 all-access all-agents 1437
1 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090200 all-access all-agents 1715
2 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090300 all-access all-agents 1989
3 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090400 all-access all-agents 1628
4 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090500 all-access all-agents 1260
5 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090600 all-access all-agents 1253
6 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090700 all-access all-agents 1218
7 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090800 all-access all-agents 1331
8 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020090900 all-access all-agents 1537
9 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091000 all-access all-agents 1431
10 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091100 all-access all-agents 1352
11 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091200 all-access all-agents 1042
12 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091300 all-access all-agents 1066
13 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091400 all-access all-agents 1327
14 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091500 all-access all-agents 1346
15 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091600 all-access all-agents 1267
16 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091700 all-access all-agents 1289
17 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091800 all-access all-agents 1241
18 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020091900 all-access all-agents 1117
19 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092000 all-access all-agents 1137
20 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092100 all-access all-agents 4108
21 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092200 all-access all-agents 3319
22 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092300 all-access all-agents 2992
23 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092400 all-access all-agents 2312
24 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092500 all-access all-agents 1806
25 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092600 all-access all-agents 1557
26 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092700 all-access all-agents 1549
27 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092800 all-access all-agents 1564
28 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020092900 all-access all-agents 1585
29 en.wikipedia Activision_Blizzard daily 2020093000 all-access all-agents 1703
  • Start with the page view table of all the nasdaq 100

  • Filter to include only the Lululemon Athletica views

  • Convert the timestamp column to date time format using the %Y%m%d%H format

  • Extract the day of the month from the above timestamp

  • Plot the results

  • as bar chart with the day of the month as x and the number of views as y

  • and title the graph as ‘Page views for …’ with the name of the focused company

focused_company = 'Activision Blizzard'
    .assign(timestamp=lambda x: pd.to_datetime(x.timestamp, format='%Y%m%d%H', errors='coerce'))
    .assign(day = lambda x:
        x='day', y='views',
        title=f'Page views for {focused_company}'

Loading from complex API

Many times API are more complex, nevertheless, we can still extract the relevant data.

Let’s get some stock data from

This web service is providing useful investment information using an API, however, like many other API providers, it requires an API key to identify the request (and sometimes chanrge for it).

To allow usage of secrets such as the API key for the service call, we will use a simple mechanism using .env file that each user should create and update with their private keys.

Once we have the module to handle secrets installed, we can import it to the notebook and use it. You can get your free API key from Next time you will execute the cell and the whole notebook, the API key will be retrieved from the local file.

pip install python-dotenv
Requirement already satisfied: python-dotenv in /opt/hostedtoolcache/Python/3.7.13/x64/lib/python3.7/site-packages (0.20.0)
WARNING: There was an error checking the latest version of pip.

Note: you may need to restart the kernel to use updated packages.
import os
from dotenv import load_dotenv


From the API documentation we can learn how to extract time-series stock information of a specific symbol. Let’s use Amazon (AMZN) for example.

symbol = 'AMZN'

request_url = f'{symbol}&interval=1min&apikey={ALPHAVANTAGE_API_KEY}'
df = (
Meta Data Time Series (1min)
1. Information Intraday (1min) open, high, low, close prices ... NaN
2. Symbol AMZN NaN
3. Last Refreshed 2022-05-20 19:59:00 NaN
4. Interval 1min NaN
5. Output Size Compact NaN
... ... ...
2022-05-20 15:07:00 NaN {'1. open': '2108.8392', '2. high': '2111.6600...
2022-05-20 15:06:00 NaN {'1. open': '2111.4100', '2. high': '2111.4100...
2022-05-20 15:05:00 NaN {'1. open': '2111.1683', '2. high': '2111.1683...
2022-05-20 15:04:00 NaN {'1. open': '2113.0875', '2. high': '2114.8200...
2022-05-20 15:03:00 NaN {'1. open': '2117.0000', '2. high': '2117.0100...

106 rows × 2 columns

Extracting the relevant data

We see that the data that we are looking for (open, close, high and low prices and volume in each minute) is available in a column of the dataframe table. We will filter the table to include only the rows with the prices data and split it to separated columns.

  • Start with the dataframe table that was returned from the API call

  • Rename the long ‘Time Series…’ column name to short ‘ts’

  • Filter out (using query) all the rows where ‘ts’ column has no value (null)

  • Filter (using loc) only the ‘ts’ column

  • Parse each value in the column as a series of key-value pairs and create a column for each pair

json_series = (
    .rename(columns={'Time Series (1min)':'ts'})
1. open 2. high 3. low 4. close 5. volume
2022-05-20 19:59:00 2157.0000 2157.0000 2157.0000 2157.0000 463
2022-05-20 19:55:00 2157.0000 2157.0000 2157.0000 2157.0000 227
2022-05-20 19:45:00 2157.1000 2157.1000 2157.1000 2157.1000 529
2022-05-20 18:43:00 2154.4000 2154.4000 2154.4000 2154.4000 435
2022-05-20 18:36:00 2151.8200 2151.8200 2151.8200 2151.8200 134
... ... ... ... ... ...
2022-05-20 15:07:00 2108.8392 2111.6600 2108.7900 2109.9900 8308
2022-05-20 15:06:00 2111.4100 2111.4100 2108.5600 2109.3198 4978
2022-05-20 15:05:00 2111.1683 2111.1683 2107.8600 2108.1201 9070
2022-05-20 15:04:00 2113.0875 2114.8200 2110.0200 2111.6524 7870
2022-05-20 15:03:00 2117.0000 2117.0100 2112.5700 2112.6300 13826

100 rows × 5 columns

Quick Visualization

Now that we have the prices from the API we can plot them.

  • Start with the parsed data table above

  • Convert the values to numeric form (astype(‘float’))

  • Slice the table to include only the high and low values (iloc)

  • Reverse the order of the time-series to be from oldest to newest (iloc[::-1])

  • Plot the data

  • with the title of the ticker

  • and with 45° rotation.

    .filter(['2. high','3. low'])